Hiring a speech expert is a tough decision. If you are going to invest in us, you should know why. Here are some of our most frequently asked questions—answered.

Results: We are defined by the results we achieve. For over fifteen years we have helped our clients to consistently achieve strong results. Our accent reduction clients will learn to speak with 50-75% fewer pronunciation errors. We are extremely proud of our google reviews.

Expertise: All trainers are licensed and certified speech-language pathologists with advanced certification in dialect training and accent reduction. Together we have more than 100 years of combined experience.

Customer service: We strive to be responsive and supportive not only during the training program, but also long after its completion. As a bonus incentive, we offer free lifetime admission to workshops upon graduation from any of our training programs. This serves to help you continue the practice long after the training has ended.

Price: Our competitive pricing can be tailored to a variety of budgets.

Reliability: We have provided customer-designed, result-oriented training for over fifteen years.

We pinpoint your specific needs on the initial evaluation, then custom design the training to address those specific goals. Poor communication skills can cost a company millions and can cost you your job. Building and strengthening your communication skills can give you the tools to advance your career. Strengthening communication skills can yield huge operational savings in productivity, organization support, and translation costs. Lastly, strengthening your communication skills will build your confidence and help you climb the corporate ladder and get the job you deserve.

Our system of assessing our clients’ strengths and weaknesses lets us design custom exercises, practice regimens and coaching styles that help individuals improve their business communication abilities. We have an impressive history of over ten years helping our clients to consistently achieve exceptional results.

Our clients report significant increases in their levels of confidence after training with us, and they go on to report greater job success, advancement, and promotions. Not convinced? Take a look at our testimonials.

We offer free telephone consultations to help you determine which speech program will benefit you the most. Some of the programs overlap. Let us help you find the perfect solutions to your communication needs. If you are not sure which is best, give us a call! Our job is to help create the program that works best for you.

We offer both 10, 15 and 20 session programs. No matter which one you choose, you will be impressed with your own results! If you are unsure which program is for you, start with the initial analysis and we will share our recommendation.

We offer one-on-one private sessions for individuals as well as small-group trainings through your company.

Our hours are Monday through Friday 9:00AM-8:00PM EST and Saturdays by appointment.

Our training programs provide specialty materials developed by Corporate Speech Solutions, including a copy of Talking Business: When English is Your Second Language (which contains over 150 downloadable sound files). Additionally we provide over 100 videos for additional practice and much more. Our materials are designed to facilitate your success. All you need to do is show up. We provide the rest.

Absolutely! Vocal power/ voice projection is a skill that can be acquired with exercises and coaching. We can assess your voice and develop custom exercise programs to help you meet your goals. A strong, dynamic voice exudes confidence. Let us help you build this vital skill.

We’d love to. Often, ingrained habits like speaking too quickly or swallowing the ends of words can undermine clarity. In just a few short sessions, you will learn tips and techniques that will have a significant impact on the way you communicate to individuals and groups. Our training can be transformational.


As an HR professional, you'll find our services invaluable in empowering your employees. Our workshops are meticulously crafted to equip your team with actionable strategies that elevate their communication prowess. By honing these skills, your workforce will not only foster stronger internal collaboration but also enhance external interactions, leading to heightened customer satisfaction and a more positive company reputation.

Our dynamic and interactive training sessions are tailored to suit diverse learning styles, ensuring maximum engagement and retention. Moreover, we understand the value of personalized development, which is why we offer private and small-group training sessions for your high-potential employees seeking to refine their communication acumen further.

We understand how important it is to attract and retain talent in this competitive global marketplace.
Investing in your employees to help them become more effective communicators won’t just improve the efficiency of your workforce, it will signal that you view them as future leaders. Supporting your employees’ professional development will heighten engagement, lower turnover, and develop a pool of talent that you can promote from within.