Make vocal care a part of your wellness routine!
Your vocal cords are essential to your voice, a key component of your success. Speaking confidently ensures that others respond positively and attentively to your message.
You may be aware of the importance of using your voice effectively, but you might not realize how certain habits can cause damage or strain to your vocal cords. Here are three common ways you might be harming or straining these precious muscles:
- You are a guest at a wedding and the band is loud. The noise in the room is thunderous and you continue to raise your voice level to be heard over the noise and to converse with the other guests at your table.
- Rather than walk into another room at home to speak with a family member, you continually scream to each other from different rooms. My husband often calls to me from another room and I always remind him not to yell from the other room but to come closer.
- You attend your favorite sporting event and are a big team fan. You are in the stands roaring to show support for your team. You continually shout louder to be heard above all other noise in the stadium.
Do any of these situations sound familiar?
When you are silent, the cords are open, but when you speak, the air from your lungs goes through the closed vocal cords causing them to vibrate. As a result, you can express your thoughts and create your voice.
When you raise your voice for any length of time, you stretch and strain your vocal cords. Vocal cords are elastic muscle tissue, similar to rubber bands. With continued misuse or abuse they can become damaged and could require surgery to repair. Strained vocal cords can only be noticed once the damage becomes severe.
Think about others you hear with a barely audible voice. Perhaps a breathy sounding voice. Or maybe laryngitis. I remember a few years ago when a friend had laryngitis and I asked if he was feeling okay. He said yes- he was presenting at a conference and lost his voice. This should not have happened if he practiced vocal hygiene.
When it comes to your health, prevention is crucial, and this includes taking care of your vocal cords. Maintaining a healthy voice involves several key practices, yet vocal health is often overlooked in discussions about overall well-being. This needs to change. Your vocal cords are vital for your voice, which is a significant part of how others perceive and understand you. A strong, clear voice is an important factor in achieving success.
Your words and voice will reflect your confidence.
We often ignore our vocal cords. This can lead to inflammation and other ailments. Here are three solutions that will keep your vocal cords healthy and allow you to always speak with power, purpose and impact.
Tips for Good Vocal Hygiene:
Do not shout. Shouting will harm your vocal cords and cause inflammation. This can lead to laryngitis or loss of your voice altogether. If you find yourself shouting, calm down until you can speak in a more composed voice.
Do not talk over loud noise. Extended periods of speaking over loud noise will cause harm to your vocal cords. Wait until the loud noise has stopped or move to a quieter place to chat.
Stay hydrated. Drink plenty of water. Coffee, tea, and alcohol will dehydrate you while water hydrates you. If you are drinking dehydrating beverages, drink more water to compensate.
Treat your voice as an essential part of your healthy lifestyle. Just as you prioritize your eyesight and hearing, make vocal care a key component of your wellness routine.
Copyright 2024, Jayne Latz works with organizations and individuals that want to develop clear, concise and confident communication to accelerate career success.
Phone: 917.841.2965
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